Platform and Services
The Digital Well-being Data Exchange Platform For All
DID Platform
DID Platform establishes trust in your services. It enhances confidence in transactions and delivers a seamless service experience to customers through digital identity verification and data exchange under the data owner’s consent. This allows customers to conduct transactions with peace of mind, free from worry. Every transaction on the DID Platform has a digital log that can be audited and cannot be altered or modified.
DID Platform is the first provider in Thailand to receive the Digital Identity Exchange Service License from the Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA) and the ISO 27001:2022 certification.
DID Platform connects members together as an ecosystem to establish standards and trust in transactions between each other.
Ready to connect to the ThaID application
DID Platform consists of four types of members
RP (Relying Party)
- Organizations that provide services directly to customers and require identity verification of their customers through an IdP (Identity Provider)
IdP (Identity Provider)
- Entities responsible for verifying and authenticating the identity of service users.
AS (Authoritative Source)
- Organizations that maintain reliable and trusted data about the service users.
- Service providers that act on behalf of other entities in the ecosystem.
eKYC : You are Who You Say You Are

The eKYC service is the first step in providing a secure and reliable service by knowing the true identity of the customer. Digital identity verification is conducted through the standardized DID Platform, which is the first in Thailand to receive the Digital Identity Exchange License from ETDA. The level of identity verification reliability can be adjusted according to the risk of each service.
eConsent : Data Sharing with owner’s eConsent
DID eConsent provides services that enable you to receive and exchange data with peace of mind, ensuring that customers have explicitly consented to disclose their information.
Once customers have verified their identity, they can provide continuous consent for data disclosure, facilitating seamless transactions.
eSignature : a Legal Trust
A reliable electronic signature is uniquely linked to and under the sole control of the signatory. It relies on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) based on international standards, enabling the authentication of the signatory’s identity and the detection of any alterations to ensure the document remains unmodified.
Verifiable Credential
Data is share and control by user
All customer data transfers and exchanges occur exclusively under the control of the data owner through a Digital Data Wallet. This service is provided by NDID members who adhere to the highest standards of security and trustworthiness.
- Providing secure and reliable data verification services for customers who need to verify certain information, such as vaccination certificates, financial status for visa applications, NCB, securities holdings, educational certificates, medical history, insurance, etc. Verifiers can confidently and securely verify the information’s origin and authenticity through a convenient and cost-effective method, ensuring the data’s source is a legitimate Issuer.
- AS/Issuer serves as a data provider at the request of the data owner, certifying that the information originates from their own organization. This role is similar to AS, with the key difference being that the data is provided directly to the data owner and not to an RP. The data owner then decides which Verifier to share the data with and the extent of information disclosed. (VP) Examples include DBD, RD, Banks, and NCB.
IdP/Wallet Provider – Data Digital Wallet
- Possessing capabilities commensurate with those of an IdP, encompassing customer service, technical expertise, and risk and compliance management. It affords the potential for expansion into a diverse array of services, including the possibility of obtaining transaction data contingent upon the explicit consent of the data owner.
- Data Ownership (PDPA/ GDPR Compliance)
- Authoritative Sources (AS)
- Personal data is disseminated across various platforms.
AS Connext
Connect to public and private sector organizations through standardized API
1. Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of Interior
Verify National ID Card Status (DOPA Online)
- Name
- Lastname
- National ID Card Number
- Laser Number (Back of ID Card)
- Date of Birth
2. Department of Business Development, Ministry of Commerce
Verify Corporate Information
- Company Registration Certificate (General Text)
- Company Objectives (PDF)
- Shareholder Information (PDF)
- Financial Statements (PDF)
3. Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO)
Verify designated persons list data*
- List of individuals whose assets have been seized or frozen
- LIst of individuals at risk of money laundering
- List of individuals designated by court order (Thailand List)
- List of individuals, groups of individuals, legal entities, or organization involved in terrorist activities (UN List)
Only entities classified as “reporting entities” according to established criteria and approved by AMLO are eligible to connect.
Example of Connected Data

Biz DID Platform
Ready for convenience, security. Reduce the operational costs of legal entity transactions, such as opening bank accounts, conducting legal transactions, signing documents, granting power of attorney, and more.
Biz DID Platform – A foundational infrastructure for corporate identity verification and electronic transactions.
The platform establishes and register a Corporate Digital ID, enabling legal entities to conduct online transactions securely. It connect corporate data from trusted sources in real-time, ensuring the identification of authorized representatives. It also facilitates digital delegation of authority, electronic document signing with reliable e-signatures, and electronic document management, ensuring that corporate transactions are accurate, secure, and fully online.